
Oil has always been a staple of the Mediterranean diet. Essential ingredient for any recipe, it then becomes a precious ally, making each dish tasty and genuine.
Since 2000, on the hills of Sambuca di Sicilia bathed by the sun of our island, we have been cultivating the plantations of Biancolilla and Nocellara del Belice, of which the fruit, of excellent quality, preserves the flavors of Sicily. We select by hand, with traditional methods, the local olives that will be processed at low temperature on the same day of collection. The extracted oil is obtained from a natural blend of olives, Nocellara del Belìce and Biancolilla, 100% Italian. The result is a genuine, unfiltered and organic oil. Its low acidity, the intense green color, slightly veiled, and the strong aroma give the oil the fruity flavor of fresh grass. The attention paid to the protection of our olive groves and the care for the phases of harvesting and processing have rewarded us by obtaining prestigious awards at our national level.